April showers bring May flowers...

...or maybe baby birdies! I know there are lots of babys up by the lakes at the moment (not as many as we are expecting, but hopefully more will come), but the little songbirds etc are still in the nests where it is warmer and safer for them. However it does mean we don't get to see them. Mummy really needs to put a camera inside the nest box next year if the young fledge successfully.

So first off we had this greedy crow - who to be fair probably has babies to feed!

Then we did actually have our first fledgling into the garden! A magpie baby - who was promptly scared away by the darned rat and hasn't come back since! But the parent was not happy about it haha.

 Look at the stunning wing feathers on this adult!!

My Wagtail is still making an occasional appearance in the garden - hoping to see his babies once they fledge.
And on the first Day of May - a new species - it is a Meerrat!

Mummy needs to get the rest of the photos off the camera and then we can share :)

Night night now,



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