
Hi guys,

So this is my first post of 2020 as mummy has been so busy I have not been able to get to the laptop. For those of you who have just joined me, I am a Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo called Chucky and I want to tell you about the nature we see around the home, and also out and about.

So on New Years Day mummy decided to go pond-dipping as she got herself a set at the beginning of December, but then work was so manic she didn't get a chance to just go out and use it. There were a few things that she manages to scoop out of the water, including a Hoglouse

You can see that there is a smaller one underneath the larger one. We have since been informed that the male is the larger of the two and sits on top of the female during mating!

We also saw a flat worm and a little Gammaridae (shrimp-like thing), which you can see in this video.

Yesterday, mummy and GavGav went out to Slimbridge WWT. I am not allowed to go with them because of all the wild birds - apparently they might make me sick. However, mummy did tell me about the first ducklings of the year! This little mummy had six babies following her.
I really hope the cold weather we are now having will not prove too much for them :(. The first snowdrops were also seen yesterday, outside one of the hides:
This is the view from the top of the new hide, which is completely open at the top apart from a glass surround;
There was a pheasant that appeared at one of the bird feeders along with a swan, some water rails and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker, as well as the usual finches and tits.
There was also a pool, which of course couldn't be walked past - there were some caddis fly larva in there that were really active, along with something that was hiding in the mud at the bottom and trying to grab the lesser boatmen (it didn't emerge from the mud though).
And finally here are some waterfowl portraits too!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Night night,



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