Moving into those April showers

We are nearly at the end of the March pictures and moving into the rather soggy end of March, beginning of April lol. It has dried up a little bit again now though.

The crows love trying to get the suet feeder down off the feeding station - although it is a little more difficult with the top from the other bird feeder in there also haha.

We got our first hedgehog into the garden at the end of March too!!

And on April fools day this crow was having great fun with the fat ball hahaha

Mummy also wanted to get some pictures of the Magpies eating at the peanut flutter butter feeder - and there are some great pics.

And we caught the blue tits on camera!! Mummy got very excited when she saw this!

Well anyway I need to head to bed and let mummy get the latest photo's off the camera!



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