More March Capers

And the fun continued through the second half of March! I actually can't believe we are already into April! Where is the time going?? The weather is not as nice as last year yet though - it is still chilly in the mornings and breezy through the day. My room gets quite chilly still - I like it like that but mummy complains her feet get cold. She should try having feathers on her feet - they keep you nice and cosy.

Anyway, onto the garden wildlife!

 We managed to get a couple of action shots of the Magpie on the bird feeder. Magpies are actually really agile birds and are great fun to watch. Crows are just like the brawn that don't really have to think of ways around a problem as they just use their brawn lol. (That is in comparison to the Magpie of course).

 Then I thought you might like to see some close up of both the magpie and the crow.
A very close shot in some cases hahaha.

This is funny - we have the crow hiding on Doris's hutch, and then Doris trying to pose for a picture - naughty bunny that she is!

We managed to get an incoming of one of the crows, which is quite funny.

We got some stunning action pictures of the magpie with the sunlight shining through the wing feathers!

Right my bed time now - have you noticed it is lighter much later - it makes me not want to go to bed!!

Bye-bye, Chucky.


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