More April heat rather than showers

Yup I have some more April frolliking to share with you. And it has been rather warm this weekend just gone! Mummy and GavGav went to visit his grandparents and left me with the pet sitter Sarah. She is lovely but she isn't here for very long and I get rather annoyed at being on my own for so long :(.

Anyway, first up we have the hedgehog having fun in the garden after a long hibernation! Looking very healthy too.

And then we have a video of a rapid little wagtail too!

We managed to capture both Magpies on camera - and also the very greedy crow (it is only Day that comes into the garden now - think Mummy is on nest and maybe the youngster and his gf are too).

There are more to come but they need to be sorted through first and it is once again my bedtime (although I am trying to persuade mummy to keep me up longer now it is lighter outside!




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