Spring into March!

Now I have Marches nature notes for you. At the beginning of the month we had a new visitor to the garden. Not 100% sure what he is - so open to suggestions :)

Even Doris was interested in him. This was after she had been give instructions from her friend macho crow!

Who then found the coconut (they had been playing with it for a while but pparently it now becomes a great idea to take it back to the nest haha.

We managed to get a stunning shot of the Magpie too - he does know how pretty he is!
Look at those blues and greens shimmer!

This is one of the younger crows, taking the fat ball himself for once - and making sure the camera isn't going to stop him first - very defiant haha.

 The magpie wanted to check out Doris's tunnel to make sure mummy wasn't hiding any traps (or treats) in there that she needed to know about.
 And Mr Wagtail brought his girlfriend into the garden - mummy wants to get a wagtail nesting box for these guys next year.
This is a great picture - the Magpie is possessed!!!!

 And I just thought I would share one of the last photos of the year of our little Robin friend. He has headed back home now to have some babies of his own I am sure.

Doris is such a naughty bunny sometimes - but this really is something else! However, mummy says she must actually be a very good bunny as she doesn't jump out of her run, even though she could! I am not too sure that she actually could myself - but then I have wings so I wouldn't reallt know.

 Both magpies looking very handsome!
Mrs magpie eats the fat balls how they are supposed to be eaten - meaning that the little birds do have a chance of having some also (the crows just throw the feeder on the floor and take the fat balls out).
 This crow is eating some of the suet they had thrown on the floor earlier!
More still to come!


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