Yup they just keep coming!

I have more Nature notes from the garden for you today. I do so enjoy telling people about the antics of my friends, and it is great that mummy now has photos so that she can see too. Mummy had to work at the weekend so I didn't get to see her much - and she is now working through until Friday, but then she is off Friday afternoon. She has spent the evening with me, but only after she played wit the tarantulas - how rude is that? I am far more important as I actually want her to spend time with me. She tried to say it was just to feed them, but I am not sure it should take that long if that is the case!

There are not many photos from the 6th (which was Gav Gavs birthday and mummy and Gav went out to Bristol Zoo for the day). The magpie was the early morning visitor, as it often is.
 The crows then spent lots of time playing with the peanut feeder, and we caught some good action pictures! The wagtail did visit but I didn't relly notice it much due to the crows making such a racket.

On the morning of the 7th we had a cat in the garden!!! We never get cats in our garden due to the Doris, but this is definitely a cat. It did not leave any presents, nor has it been back since that we have noticed. Rther strange really.

 The crows were really interested in the way mummy had laid these paving slabs out. The worms were congregating under them due to the heat from the sun (not that you could feel any heat when yo were outside mind you), and the crows were having great fun trying to get to them.

Unfortunately there are not many photos agin as our neighbour was doing some work in his garden, and with the dog and the noise I don't think the corvids felt it was suitable for playing in our garden.
I have given you a selection of photos from the birds making the best use of the peanut feeder haha.

Some lovely arial shots for you all!

Bye now,



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