More Nature Notes from Garden Cam

I am back with some more garden antics for you!

So first of all we discovered that Doris really likes to be the last one to bed and the first one up in the morning. I think maybe she plans how she is going to wind the crows up for the day. Her fluffy little butt looks so cuddly in that final photo, I want to pull on her tail so I can tuck it under my wing - but mummy says I am not allowed to stick my feet out to catch the other pets :(

 Or actually - it is usually the Magpie that goes into her run with her. They have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes Dois will let the Magpie route around in her run, then other times she will chase it as soon as she sees it, and then still other times she gets chased by a very annoyed Magpie. The other day she hunkered down by the fence just watcing the Magpie and then ran away when the Magpie approached her - like I said love/hate relationship. Mummy keeps a close eye on them to ensure Magpie is not causing Doris any distress though.

The crows made short work of the bowl of mealworms (put out for the wagtail and robin, as well as the blckbirds!). They even tried to convince Doris that se would like to try some, but Doris isn't too keep - she prefers the fat balls!
 But she did come running eventually when they kept poking their beaks through her bars haha. They always fly away as soon as she comes over - even though they know there are bars between them.
 It did allow the blackbird to pop into the garden and get some of the mealworms that were put out for it! And isn't she a pretty one?
 The crows have such lovely feathering. It is a same you cannot see the full range, but you can see the slight blue sheen. I see this is much more shimmering range of blues and greens, with some purples too.
And then Magpie also wanted to show off his feathering - the colouring doesn't stand out to you guys as much on this bird, however his feathers are just as amazing!

And here are some little videos to show you the interactions.

 This time the Wagtail got into the garden first and got a few scraps of bread before the crows got to it.
 But then the crows came in...
...and stuffed as much as they possibly could into their beaks! I would love to know where they disappear off to eat it all - and why they take it away anyway?
Doris also enjoyed playing out in the garden - some more videos for you now :)

Thats all I have time for today, but I will update you some more over the weekend!

Bye bye!


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