And yet more murders

...of crows of course :)

The crows became obsessed with this feeder. I think the penut stuff must be really tasty. I don't have the heart to tell them it is supposed to be for the little birds like the blue tits, wagtail or robin. They are just having far too much fun with it.

 We tried videos on the camera for the first time on this day, so here are a couple of them, so you can really get a feel for the crows obsession.
 And the magpie is apparently not even allowed the fat ball, because it is too near the feeder!!
 But the Magpie proves to be much more efficient at getting to the peanut butter stuff. These two are much more graceful than the crows, but they are not as comical either. They would be like a Galah is to me :)

These videos were a little long (the second one was cropped haha).

So on the 8th Doris was a dirty stop-up. Or it may just be that mummy moved the camera and she kept setting it off, and she is always a dirty stop-up haha.

 We got a lovely picture of her little fluffy butt!
 Crikey it was cold on this day wasn't it? But yet the ground looks soggy rather than frozen! Mummy had put some dried mealwrms in the blue dish when she went out to work, and the crows enjoyed the (the magpies did get a few too), and then they enjoyed playing frisbee with the dish, of course.
 They did also try to egt Doris to join in, but she is too dignified for this sort of game.

 The little blackbird didn't really get much of the mealworms, however because mummy has been digging there were plenty of normal worms, and she enjoyed them immensely.
 Mummy moved the camera while she did some more digging (she had booked this day off speciically for this purpose) and the Magpi took the opportunity to say hello when she nipped into go to the toilet.
Because mummy was working in the garden there were not many visits from the birdies, but there were a few and we did get some videos too (shorter this time though). The first video shows Doris trying to get the magpie to play with her. When the Magpie went into her run afterwards she ran off and his, and the Magpie wasn't sure what she was doing - daft rabbit.

 You can see from this one, the bowl is fun - but they are still going for the peanut feeder, which is much more fun once the bowl is empty.

Right bedtime for this little birdie!
Night night.


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