October delights

Well it has been busy here, with Halloween prep - mummy likes ot go all out for her outfits - AND it has to be different every year. She is a little mad! This year she had purple hair and green eyes - although I am not sure what she was supposed to be. Here is a picture for you, so you can decide:

At the moment there are lots of pops, sizzles and bangs from outside, but I am actually enjoying watching the pretty sparkly colours outside the window. Some of the bigger bangs, especially when I cannot see them, do make me jump a little, but mummy isn't bothered by them so I won't be either.

Now believe it or not we had a new brood of caterpillars on the Nasturtiums only just a week ago! Bet they were feeling a little cold this weekend, although the weather has gone warm again now.

 And we also saw the Heron (in a different place to usual):
It is really difficult to see because of the bright light, and the fact that we zoomed in on the camera! But the white blob in the middle is him lol. He literally sat here while we took the photo and then off he went, probaly over to the other pond, which is hopefully a little deeper. Unfortunately because of the housing development and the rather hot, dry summer, the water level in this pond is extremely low. We are hoping for lots of rain through Autumn to bring the levels back up in order to sustain the wildlife!

The sunflower is still going strong, and the tomato plants haven't succombed to blight for the first year in several! They are outdoor tomatoes too, but mummy has taken them all off the plants now to prevent them being damaged by the frosts - the chillies too (I have my beady black eye on some of those).

And finally is this little zebra spider that was out on the balcony at the weekend, running up the wall at the side of the door. Poor little mite must have been freezing, it was very cold at the weekend, until the rain came. Now he probably just feels a bit drownded.

Look at those eyes staring straight into the camera!

Right I need to get my beauty sleep now. See ya soon!


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