Delayed nature notes

Mummy has gone to visit her parents so I can now get to the computer to type up my blog. She has been hogging it! So recently we had a very lovely sunset that we got a photograph of from Gav's work carpark:

We also have some lovely autumn colour on the balcony now too:

AND we had this little guy playing on the lavender - he is a sheild bug, and we cannot figure out why he has come all the way up here as there are certainly no friends round here!

We have some lovely flowers at the moment (yup the sweet peas are a little late at the moment), so mummy took some cuttings for in the living room:

The sunflower has also finally flowered!!! It is a very sall flower on a very tall stalk, but there are a couple more buds on there yet! This does mean I might get the seed head from it, whoop!

And today mummy did get some lovely pictures of a seagull and some starlings out in Blackpool - no she didn't take me with her! I have been abandoned :(

It is very late now, so I am going to go to bed - I get up with the sun :p


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