Creeping critters

Oops I forgot yesterday about posting - me and mummy were having a look at my new toys that arrived on Saturday! I love getting new toys, but they only last a few days and mummy never buys enough of them.

So yesterdays wild experiences were both of the 8-legged kind. The first is this giant boy:

Yup he is a giant house spider and has a leg span of 84mm! That is one extra large boy right there. He certainly scares me - he moves too fast for me to keep my beady black eye on him. Thankfully he lives in GavGavs garage, so nowhere near me or my little blue bird friends - they certainly wouldn't like him, he could probably eat them! These guys are out and about this time of year searching for a female to mate with. He probably will not survive the winter (if he even survives an engagement with a lady).

This little lady is living out on the plant pots and is a lovely colour:
She was just perfecting her web as I took this photo, and she is a standard garden spider. She has a friend on the next plant pot too, who is darker in colour:
and a much better picture as she was sitting nicely! These spiders are much nicer - they sit on their webs and look pretty and don't come jumping out at poor birdies like myself.

Ooops did I say two - there was a third one also!! This is a False Widow that came falling into the house when mummy opened the patio doors to sort out her plants on the balcony. She was absolutely petrified the poor thing. Mummy tried to get her out without too much hassle for the spider, but she refused to move once she was put out, poor girly!

She is such gorgeous colours, but mummy hasn't been able to check if she is ok, as if she opens the door she risks her falling in again :(

And todays photo was from a walk around the duck pond, of the colours of Autumn - you can feel it in the air in an evening now - even if on returning home there was a dragonfly skimming across the garden!

Just gorgeous huh?

Right gotta go to bed!!


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