Caterpillar prickles

So I didn't post anything yesterday - I kinda forgot - silly me.

Here is the photo for day 8 in September - a caterpillar that was on a neetle stem in the garden. It looks like it is about to pupate. Mummy is trying to find out what caterpillar it is but at the moment no luck.

We do have a second photo too
And then for today (day 9) we saw this funky tree whilst we were out on a walk. (We did get a few funny looks - people seem to think only dogs should go on walks!) Mummy says she is not sure why the tree has a whole load of new leaves, but I think it may have something to do with the long dry summer!

Oh - mummy also took some photos of me :)

I am definitely wild, especially in this cage - I can get so close to everybody hehehe (I do try and eat the dashboard, hence the green thing in front of me).
Aren't I just far too cute?


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