Chaos at Glan Llyn

Image may contain: grass and outdoor

Well mummy was off work today and we were hoping to spend some quality time relaxing together. However, the local waterfowl had a different idea - the geese up at the top pond had got themselves covered in oil and so the morning was spent trying to catch them up so that they can be cleaned up and re-released. These poor guys looked so sorry for themselves. It is a real shame and we don't knnow where the oil has come from. Four of the six were caught and taken away, but three are no-where to be seen. Mummy watched these guys grow up - they walked all over her for food, so it is really upsetting.

Then there was the duck on the old fishing lake (which incidentally is currently drying up and St. Modwens are not going to do anything about it, even though there are plenty of fish in there!). She cannot walk properly - taking a few steps and then sitting down. Unfortunately she would not come out of the water after she got run over by a coot defending its chicks.

So all in all we didn't get much time to relax at all! Oh, and the chrysalis we were watching to see what moth emerged has disappeared. It hasn't hatched, it is just no longer where it was! So I can show the caterpillars, but not the moth:

Right I have to go - hopefully tomorrow will be more relaxing (although not for mummy as she is at work!)


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