More little creepy things!
Well there are lots of them about at the moment - mummy has some more caterpillars on her plants! We think that these are sawfly larva: Sorry about the excess of photos of the same thing, but some are clearer than others. They are eating Willowsherb, which mummy was about to pull up (she doesn't like it at all), however she has now opted to leave it so that these little guys can keep their food source. They do occasionally go onto the Nasturtium, but they don't really seem to like those eaves very much (unlike the previously discussed Large White caterpillar). We have been unable to get a definitive ID on these guys though - maybe we should try the butterflies and their caterpillars group on facebook?? Gavgavs parents came down to visit last week - and brought a pooch with them - big yellow, bit dippy, with a very waggy tail (that mummy would NOT let me grab hold of, coz she is a meanie!!!). Apparently she is called Nell, and we did get a photo, but at the moment it...