Spider drops

Ooh hello everybody,

Have you come here from mummy's blog? To find out about this picture
It is a pretty poor picture as the camera refused to focus on the tiny little spider. So GavGav got interested in spiders over a year ago now. He still has a slight phobis of them, but his way of overcoming it is to find out more aboout them, and the fear transforms into interest instead. It seems to be working as he likes to go out with his sonic toothbrush, making the spiders lunge out to try and grab it, and he has also got himself two taratulas. Hmm it would appear that we do not have any photos of them yet, so I shall have to get some to show you!

Anyway, this interest means that they are more likely to notice spiders doing funny, or unusual things - although mummy has always been quite good at paying attention to any animal of any shape or size. Last summer she nearly planted an extra large garden spider. She dug the hole, upended the plant out of its pot, and the spider fell into the hole. Mummy had to get her out before she could put the plant in there. she said her legs were really very strong - much stronger than you would expect.
This was the spider before she disappeared into the potted plant - she was quite a large specimen. (don't worry the boxes are no longer in the garden, and the side by the fence has had slate put down).

I am chattering tonight aren't I? Back to the point - mummy was watering the garden with the hosepipe, and obviously there are droplets that go everywhere. Lots of spiders come running out along the fence, or by the wormery, thinking that some yummy insect has just fallen into the web, only to be disappointed. However, this particular little spider decided to grab hold of the tiny droplet of water that had gotten caught on the web. This droplet was still the size of the spiders abdomen. It took it towards its nest part of the web and proceeded to drink the water droplet - you could actually see it shrinking slightly! What a resourceful little guy huh? Might as well take advantage of the water mummy is wasting!

Well it is now nearly my bedtime so I had better be off. Thanks so much for reading my ramblings, and I am sure there will be plenty more to entertain you with in the next few days.



  1. Hi Chucky, yes did come over from Mummy's blog...and stayed to be entertained by you! I'm not a fan of spiders myself, cold cope with the tiny one...not so sure about that whopper!
    It's a great idea to turn a fear or phobia into an interest...hope Gav Gav doesn't use the toothbrush himself after investigating spiders with it!

    1. Thank you for staying and leaving a comment :) Unfortunately Gav Gav does use the toothbrush on himself afterwards - but he does have a separate head for it. I do keep telling him he needs to buy a separate one - or just spend more time petting me :D


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